Meaning of (से भिन्न) se bhinn in english

As adjective : unlike Ex:  Like humans but unlike most other mammals
Other :
other than Ex:  Little is known about Euclid other than his writings. at variance with except Ex:  All except Mercury and Venus have natural satellites, often called "moons".
Suggested : with the exclusion of excluding save but additional or further different, dissimilar, or unequal not alike
Exampleसे भिन्न का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

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Usage of से भिन्न:
1. जब स्वार्थ और वासना के दायरे से उठकर आत्मा का अनंत विस्तार हो जाता है तो अपने से भिन्न कुछ लगता ही नहीं jagran.com2. झारखंड के देवघर जिला स्थित वैद्यनाथ धाम सभी द्वादश ज्यातिर्लिंगों से भिन्न है
(से भिन्न) se bhinn can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : se bhinna

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